“LetsBlog Wordpress Template” Documentation by “ThemeGoods”

“LetsBlog Theme Documentation”

Table of Contents

  1. What's Included
  2. Installation
    1. Setting up header
    2. Setting up Footer
    3. Setting up Sidebar
    4. Setting up Pages & Contact Page
    5. Setting up Homepage
    6. Setting up Blog Post
    7. Setting up Category
    8. Setting up Image Gallery
    9. Widgets
    10. Theme Customize
    11. Theme Translation
    12. WPML Plugin For Multilingual Content
    13. How to update the theme
    14. Updating from existing theme
    15. How to speed up your site using plugins

A) What's Included - top

When you purchase our theme from Themeforest. You can download LetsBlog files from Themeforest > Your Account > Downloads.

Navigate through your purchased items and find LetsBlog. Click download button then you will se 2 options. Main file contain everything. Installable Wordpress Theme is included only installable Wordpress theme file. Check list of what's included when you download the main file option.

  1. Installable Theme File (.zip) - You can upload this file to your Wordpress to install the theme.
  2. Documentation - Contain theme documentation file.
  3. Licensing Folder - Contain all licensing info files.
  4. Plugins Folder - Contain all required plugin files.
  5. Changelog (.txt) - Included all theme versions changelog info

Theme Support

All of our themes come with free support and currently we handle all support questions through Our Support System.

In order to help speed up solution for your requests. Please follow steps below before submitting a new ticket. This is for the benefit of everyone in order to help find the solution for your question quickly.

  1. Make sure you are running the latest version of theme and the latest version of WordPress.
  2. Check out theme documentation for the answer to your question.
  3. Disable any additional 3rd party plugins you are using to check if it fixes the issue.
  4. If you still have the issue. Submit a ticket with URL of page which has issue.

Support includes Item support does not include

B) Installation - top

In order to begin installing LetsBlog theme. You need the latest version of Wordpress. Here is the download URL. Once you downloaded and set it up, You are ready to go.

Upon downloading the package, you will have an Installable Theme File (.zip) inside the theme package. Follow the steps below to install theme

Screen Shot 2557-03-09 at 3.12.09 PM

  1.  Go to your Wordpress Dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes
  2. Click Add new and hit upload button
  3. Select LetsBlog Installable Theme File (.zip) file from your computer and click "Install Now" button
  4. Once finished uploading theme file. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
  5. Then you will be redirected to theme admin panel page.

Common Wordpress Installation Issue

Missing style sheet error when installing the theme A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have purchased is broken, it simply means it has been uploaded incorrectly. Luckily, there is a very easy fix.

Wordpress Tutorials

In order to use the theme. You have to install a working version of WordPress. If you are new to WordPress and need help installing it. Below are few tutorials and video tutorials created by WordPress and WooThemes.

  1. WordPress Codex
  2. How to install WordPress video
  3. First Steps With WordPress
  4. FAQ New To WordPress

Required Plugins