
Home Shortcodes Map Shortcode

Here are built-in shortcodes and you can use “Shortcode Generator” to help create sample shortcode in page/post options box.

[map width="620" height="300" lat="51.508823" long="-0.127802" zoom="16"]


Maps Type Terrain

[map type="MapTypeId.ROADMAP" width="620" height="300" lat="51.508823" long="-0.127802" zoom="16"]


Maps with marker and info window

[map type="MapTypeId.SATELLITE" width="620" height="300" lat="51.508823" long="-0.127802" zoom="18" popup="Bangkok, Thailand"]


Maps with address

[map type="MapTypeId.ROADMAP" width="620" height="300" address="London" zoom="15" popup="London, England"]