Our Chef

This article will guide to the steps to create contents like meet the our chef on demo site. This page required team content. Please make sure you have already created these contents first. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages and click Add New Add page title and content. Then find Content Builder Box Option box on the bottom and check Enable Content Builder. […]

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Contact Us & Reservation pages

First, you have to setup your email address. Open Theme Setting > General and setup your email address.  From your admin sidebar, open Pages > Add New. You will get add new page form. Enter page title and description. Next look at Page Attributes” box. Select “Contact” for page template and click on “Publish”. Google Map You can add […]

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Demo Homepage

This article will guide to the steps to create contents like demo site  homepage. This page required menu, team member and gallery content. Please make sure you have already created these contents first. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages and click Add New Select Page Slider in Page Options box and check Hide Page Title on the right […]

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Import Demo Revolution Sliders

All Revolution Sliders are included in import files. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Revolution Slider. You will find Import Slider button. Select import file from your computer and click Import button. Download demo slider

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Import Demo and Settings

When you first install the theme. It won’t included all extra content that you have seen from live demo site. You can import Nebula Demo content using Standard WordPress Import Plugin. First you need to install the plugin, Open Tools > Import and select WordPress. Next click Install Now button and wait until plugin is installed […]

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