Most of widgets which are included in theme don’t required setup. But Flickr and Twitter are required initial setup so they can display their content correctly. Please follow below steps.

Custom Twitter Widget


  1. Please go to and login with your Twitter account
  2. Create new application.
  3. Click to create the access token, then refresh the page.
  4. Now you will have all 4 items, consumer key, consumer secret, access token, access token secret.
  5. Copy each items and add them to Theme Setting > Social Profiles > Twitter API Settings and save changes.
  6. Now you can add Custom Twitter Widget to any sidebar you want using Appearance > Widgets.

Custom Flickr Widget


  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Drag Flickr Widget to the sidebar you want. Click on Find your Flickr ID here link to
  3. Enter your Flickr username in place of username if text field and click find.
  4. Copy the ID and paste to Flick ID field in Custom Flickr Widget.
  5. Change other options and click save.