We provided translation files to translate theme into your language. Both Theme.po and Theme.mo files are located in language folder of theme. Here are steps to translate theme into your language

  1. You need an application name “PoEdit” and you can download it for FREE here http://www.poedit.net/.
  2. Use translation field for your translation text.
  3. Once you finish translating. Save file to your language name for example en_US.po and it will generate both .mo and .po files.
  4. Open wp-config.php which is located in your WordPress root directory. Change defined value WPLANG with your language name for example en_US
  5. Logged in to your server using FTP client. then navigate to theme language folder (/wp-content/themes/stellar/languages)
  6. Upload both .po and .mo files to languages folder.